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MySims Kingdom

by Picayune


Help us, Dr. F!

... that isn't helpful, Dr. F!

On the other hand, Alexa will help us. With a Scroll. Hands up if you're surprised.

: It should contain techy gizmos that Dr. F will require for his lab to be 'SUPER PLACE OF MUCH SCIENCE' or something.

Digging, mining, chopping wood. This'll be quick.

Sam still loves digging for treasure.

Hey, Lyndsay!

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?

: I bet we can build some really neat things with this stuff!

Sam receives: the In/Out Go Machine--which is a door--a Dual Exhaust Roof Pipe and a Covered Roof Pipe, a metal Vent of the kind that goes on walls, a Security Camera, a Satellite Dish, Dr. F's Potential Energy Generator, a Roof Gauge, a Switchbox, Lab Platforms in Small and Large, a Metal Fence, and some Metal Paints. Oh, and a Toy Robot.

Geez, Alexa, it didn't take that long.

: I heard you're pretty handy with that wand, Sam. Think you can help me with my problems?

First things first: Sam cleans up all the debris from the explosion and cashes it in for that sweet, sweet Mana.

Base blocks and roofs! Labs, unlike diners, are blocky imposing buildings meant to house lots of very serious science.

A few Dr. F's Potential Energy Generators--they stack together nicely.

Roof pipes and things! Also a toy robot, for whimsy.

Vents, satellite dish, switchboxes, and a security camera over the door. Very important.

And some fencing to keep out the unscientific riff-raff, as demonstrated by Lyndsay.

Finally, we plate everything with sheet metal. Very science!

: Let's go inside...

Alexa throws Mana everywhere and then heads in through the In/Out Go Machine.

Whoa, Sam made a cool lab.

: ... calibrate the fuel tanks while you do that. The connection point on the tanks is located on the very top; you can't miss it!

Nor can Sam miss the fact that rocket fuel is just sort of pouring out of those pipes and puddling on the floor.

Right, right. Connect tank to pipe.

The tank goes red and burbley, which appears to be the desired condition.

There. With the help of a t-junction we have three tanks connected to two rocket-fuel spigots. Sam tries his hand at calibrating a tank. It doesn't go well.

... guys, someone is going to have to move.



Next time on MySims Kingdom: The atmosphere is electric here at Mission Control...


Video: Calibrations
The fuel-tank animation is full of ominous beeping and controlled panic! Garrus would not approve.